August 15, 2017 240.305.2133, Jacqueline@marylandwbc.org
Maryland Women’s Business Center Launches Six-Week Government Procurement Series
Experts Share How Entrepreneurs Can Position Themselves to Win Government Contracts
Rockville, MD, August 15, 2017— This summer, the Maryland Women’s Business Center (MWBC) launched a six-week Introduction to Government Procurement Series in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. The Montgomery County series began on July 26, and workshops are held at the MWBC’s Rockville office. The Prince George’s County series began on August 14, and workshops are held at Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation’s (PGCEDC) office. PGCEDC is a sponsor and promotional partner for the Prince George’s County series, additional support for the entire series is provided by Citi Community Development. The objective of the new procurement program is to increase the number of women entrepreneurs within the State of Maryland who are eligible to bid on procurement contracts.
According to the National Women’s Business Council, women-owned small businesses (WOSBs) are generally meeting procurement contract thresholds, but they continue to be underrepresented in terms of awards share.
“Our goal for this series is to simplify the procurement process for women-owned businesses actively pursuing contracting opportunities. Statistically, WOSB contracting companies are often faced with high contract turnover rates, with only half receiving contracts for more than one year. We hope to change this trend, and ensure that the WOSBs we assist leave the series with new tools to bid more competitively and win long-term awards,” stated Kiesha Haughton, Managing Director of the MWBC.
Each session will be led by experts which include the following MWBC’s resource partners: Maryland Department of Transportation, Prince George’s Community College, City of Rockville, Office of Central Services, NASA, Bowie State University, U.S. Small Business Administration, Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council, State of Maryland (MDOT), Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs (GOMA), and Montgomery College’s Procurement Department. Private sector companies will also be able to share their success stories with attendees, and speakers will have an opportunity to network with all attendees during the sessions.
The series will cover many aspects of successfully pursuing and winning procurement contracts, and will end with a bonus Matchmaking Session: Meet the Prime Contractors & Procurement Officers in December. To participate in the matchmaking session for free, business owners must attend three of the six sessions.
Session 2: Understand Your Market on August 21 in Prince George’s County
Location: PGEDC’s Office (1801 McCormick Drive, Suite 350, Largo, MD, 20774)
Time: 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
How: For $35, register online via this link.
Session 2: Understand Your Market on August 23 in Montgomery County
Location: MWBC’S Office (51 Monroe Street, Plaza East 20, Rockville, MD 20850)
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
How: For $35, register online via this link.
About Maryland Women’s Business Center
Maryland Women’s Business Center (MWBC) was established in 2010 as a program of the nonprofit Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (REDI) to help people throughout the region start and build successful women-owned enterprises that are positioned for long-term growth. MWBC conducts specialized training, offers individual business counseling, and provides unique resources. Our special initiatives include a Childcare Business Development Program and StartRight! Women’s Business Plan Competition. www.marylandwbc.org. Stay connected on Facebook, Instagram ,YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
About Rockville Economic Development, Inc.
Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (REDI) is a public-private partnership formed in 1997 by the City of Rockville, Maryland, to strengthen and broaden the city’s economic base through business entrepreneurship, expansion, retention, and recruitment programs. REDI offers guidance and support to help businesses at all stages of growth launch, locate and expand in Rockville. For more information, contact 301-315-8096 or visit www.RockvilleREDI.org.